Galette des Rois au Loose Goose
La galette des Rois, or king’s cake is traditionally eaten on the twelfth day of Christmas, to commemorate the three wise men
bringing gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. Deliciousness aside, half the fun is the tradition to include a small trinket or fève in
the filling – the person who gets the fève gets to be king for a day
Although usually eaten on the 6th of January, kings cakes are available from mid-December until the end of January in France. We
will be eating it just on time this year!!!
To be collected on the day. This includes 1 beverage & 1 slice of Galette. Additional slices can be purchased for $8 each.
This event is very popular. Please phone Cécile on 0407070467 or email if bookings are full to
be placed in our waiting list.
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